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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I Was Wrong ***SPOILER ALERT***

Is me being wrong really a spoiler? Nah. But . . . hang on, Anoop-dog, Anoop dog hang on.

And just a few comments about the results show:
  1. That was the worst lip synching I've ever seen. (Okay, now wait a few seconds.) [/lipsmoving].
  2. David Cook rocked.
  3. Every week at least one contestant heads the wrong way after Seacrest discloses their destiny.
  4. The Rockin' Robin really flew off the deep end tonight. I hope she enjoys her Cocoa Puffs.
  5. And Lady Ga Ga really helped lay the groundwork for making Megan's exit drama seem normal. Thank you, LG2, for that. Could have used a little palette cleanser in between those two numbers. It was like downing espresso after sucking on a grapefruit.

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