1. Not one, not two, but . . . okay, yeah, two new
American Idol Hollywood Week recaps are up at Beth's place (
I Should Be Folding Laundry). I really do mean to brag. They're both awesome:
Wednesday |
2. I recently asked Addison what he and I had in common. He said that we both liked to play Wii. Okay. Then he added the best part. "It's not something we have in common, but it kind of is. We like the colors red and green." You should know that by this he meant that my favorite color is red while his favorite is green. So you get the part about that being something we don't have in common. So why
is it kind of a commonality? He explained by making a laser sound effect and gesturing with his fingers to air-draw two lightsabers crossing.
Photo by Dori. Awesome by Addison. |
Maybe we will rule the galaxy as father and son. |
Seriously, I want to see the world through this kid's eyes. (Who am I kidding? I so do.)
That's awesome. I'm severely behind on watching Idol. Would it be so bad to NOT watch this past week's shows?