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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Abbreviated Osc.

I'm not going to do a blow-by-blow commentary on the Oscars, especially since I missed the first eight minutes of blowing. But I will say what I've loved so far (and, although, I haven't seen everything just yet, I've loved just about all that I've seen . . . a very well done show).

  1. I love the five past winners of the acting awards introducing the performances of the five nominees. I don't know who wrote the introductions. It certainly appeared natural enough to me that I'm allowing for the possibility that the presenters themselves wrote them. I wouldn't mind seeing it done that way every time. Seems to take the sting out of not winning when you have a past winner telling the world how great you are. Love it.
  2. I loved the way they introduced the documentaries . . . with a mini documentary consisting of interviews with the directors and clips of their films. Just a brilliant way to package a group of films I (honestly) wouldn't care anything about otherwise. Loved it.
  3. I'm loving the fashions, especially Addison's critique of Penelope Cruz's Cinderella-esque gown: "That sure is a jumbo dress." There's just something about seeing stars dress like stars . . . it's pretty much the best and fanciest they can ever hope to look outside of a Baz Luhrmann production. For my money, the best-dressed presenters thus far: Daniel Craig and Sarah Jessica Parker (also the hot presenters most likely to have real-life people resemble them without being remotely hot).
Okay. That's all. I did catch a bit of the musical number and wondered how many years will go by before we see an awards show that doesn't feature Beyonce. Not that I'm complaining . . . and not that I'm not. I'm just sayin', that's all.

1 comment:

  1. This was the first Academy Awards where I enjoyed pretty much the whole thing. I LOVED how personable Shirley Maclaine's presentation was. And yes, I love seeing stars dressed like stars!



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