My New Home

Friday, July 18, 2008

Oh No You Didn't

Okay, it's been awhile, but the "As Bad As Brian" comparisons are below the belt. The truth is, I've really enjoyed the summer blog break. I can't promise that I'll resume full tilt, as I'm trying to maintain some semblance of an "away from technology" rhythm.

The main reason I haven't been on though is an absolute shock to me. Here in the sunshining, sweltering swing of summer, I have found myself free of routines. I'm routineless. None. Nada. zilch. It's bizarre. I am a routine freak, as I've said before. But now, I've got nothing. Addison's out of school. Heather's off of work. Outside of church on Sunday, there are no more activities programmed into the schedule. I've had to resort to, gulp, planning my days on my own.

I don't know if I'm happy about this or unsettled. I'm leaning toward happy.
Also, Colin is one year old. It is really hard to believe. His first year was jam packed with major life happenings, more than I ever really want to see crammed into one year again. But Colin has smiled through it all (except for the part about getting one-year molars). I think he's going to be our keep-smiling kid, which you really need to have. I thank God for him and all the joy he brings to (and seems to receive from) every day of life.


  1. Ha! He looks like he is really enjoying his cake! I have not been doing any serious blogging either - mainly just doing some fun stuff with pics and stuff at the beach. It sounds like you are having a great summer with your family and no routines. Definitely enjoy your kids while they are litte - they do grow up so fast.

  2. And YEAH for the blog post - finally! I will cease with the below the belt Brian quips now. :)

  3. Kudos to you and your respite from technology. And the lack of routine, too. I like both of those things alot this summer...



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