We used to live in a Rodgers & Hammerstein world where people spontaneously burst into song. Now it's a
Scorsese and
Tarantino world where people spontaneously burst into flame.
I'm not one to overrate the good
ol' days. I don't believe society is getting progressively worse. I believe people, created in God's image as we are, have always been good at being depraved. We have our moments, but people are real bad by nature.
I understand that. It isn't our nature that has changed, but our outlook. To quote Jerry
Maguire, "We live in a cynical world. A cynical . . . world." We do. See, it used to be okay for a movie to be
unapologetically happy.
The hills are alive with the sound of music? That's really happy. Little rich Austrian kids running around singing "Do Re Mi" in
lederhausen made out of drapes? That's Jack McFarland happy. But when
The Sound of Music came out, it was par for the course. It was culturally acceptable to make movies that just made people happy. Heck, that's what people
wanted. Musicals were cool. Gene Kelly singing and dancing . . . cool. Fred Astaire dancing and singing . . . cool. We didn't ask our entertainment to artfully, painfully reproduce the darkness of the human heart. We just wanted a little cheering up, and it worked. Didn't cure the alcoholism, materialism, rage, lust, and selfishness, but it worked wonders on cynicism.
You couldn't get away with that now. If you're gonna be that happy, it's gotta be because you're Jack McFarland. Or
just ridiculously sarcastic. Yesterday's happy is today's cheesy. What used to pass as a happy ending is now dismissed as predictable. Show a complex chronology, a bloody betrayal, and a few thousand f-bombs, and you're a cinematic genius. Resolve the conflict and let the lovebird leads live happily ever after? You're a sellout studio popcorn commercialized joke. I hate that.
Don't get me wrong, I like a good dark movie. I love
Pulp Fiction. Big fan of
Se7en. But at least those movies, disturbing and revealing as they are, still offered a slim ray of hope . . . in my eyes, anyway. But movies like
Mystic River,
The Departed . . . I just don't see it. If you like them, fine. But I just hate the mindset of taking a grim satisfaction in feeling awful about the depravity of human existence, especially when it's coupled with an intolerance for unadulterated glee.
Because the intolerance makes its way to more than just media. I think it affects the way we look at people in general. Perkiness is an unpardonable sin in some municipalities. Jadedness is required. I'm a serious offender myself. I think I'm afraid of dancing in public because it would make me seem too happy. Same with smiling in photographs. It just feels unnatural. Yeah, I'm griping against myself, and I'm blaming the media.
Maybe it's time I sit down for a couple of
High School Musical sessions and cheer myself up. Ah, that's what I love about blogging. I feel absolutely no pressure to make a lucid point. Thank you, Al Gore, for inventing this crazy place. Now that makes me happy.