My New Home

Monday, November 06, 2006

Curiously Enough

We don't believe in Halloween. But we do celebrate "free pagan candy and pretend do be something you're not" . . . ween. Seriously, of all the weens, it's the best.

Addison dressed up like Charles Darwin.
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  1. Adam...I enjoyed the Charles Darwin made me smirk and then let out a deep but abbreviated laugh that could have been easily confused for a grunt of some kind.

    By the way, let your family know that if they love you and if they ever want to see Addison again...they need to post a comment on your blog.

  2. Aaron, you're so violent. Enough with the threats. Adam and fam, cute picture. That's my favorite ween, too.

  3. What's up Adam. Just check'n out the new posts yet. Hmmmmm. We'll I'll just check tomorrow, maybe God will answer my prayers.


It's okay. Let it out.

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