My New Home

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Ethan Hawke, Minnie Driver, and their son, Kylie Monogue?

That's who the face recognition program at says we look like.

You've gotta try out this site. You upload images of you (or whomever you want), and it compares your photo to a database of celebrities. It said Heather also looked like Brittany Murphy, Carrie Anne Moss, and Sylvia Plath. Addison looked like a bunch of women, including Beyonce, Rachel Leigh Cook, and Reese Witherspoon. I match up with Dominic Monoghan, Brendan Fraser, J. K. Rowling, and Carson Daly.

So check it out, have fun, and let me know who you look like. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 23, 2006

A tale of two haircuts. Okay, this is actually an update that yes, Addison and I both had our hair cut. No, I didn't cut his, and yes, I did cut mine. Who cares? I don't know. I suppose you are wondering why I've bothered to steal those precious seconds of your life away.

This is a post of firsts. This is the first picture of Addison with his new do. The second picture is the first picture of just the three of us that we've taken in a long time. It also marks the first time we got the timer on our camera to work right.

But I also wanted to update you on the fact that anyone can post comments on here now. Some of you had tried and were frustrated by the process. You don't have to be a member. But I will warn you that it's common for "anonymous" postings to be placed on here which include links to annoying sites. So if you see a comment from Anonymous that says, "Awesome guys. That site is so great. That's so informative. Thank you," do not trust that comment and do not follow the link. It should tip you off that the person didn't say their name. It should then tip you off even further that the person thinks this site is awesome. The dead giveaway, of course, is that the link is to some free ringtones and pharmeceutical site.

Then again, you'd be wise not to trust anything you read here, just for good measure.
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

So, this motorcycle gang shows up at our house, right? And they give us an ultimatum. I mean, they don't know the word ultimatum but they can be demanding. "Juice boxes or we attack," they said.

Problem was, bedtime was only an hour away, and those juice boxes would have sent them bouncing off the walls and us cleaning up the pee pee. So we said, "No." That was good enough for the two blondes, Sydney and Aubrey Jones, who backed off pretty easy.

Addison was another story, so we locked him up and put him on juice probation for 10-15 . . . hours. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 16, 2006

My parents' house is jacked up. Seriously, it has been raised by jacks and elevated like the car on Cletis's front lawn.

This marks the first change in direction for the house, which had been sinking steadily for the past 30 years or so. It would have been fixed a long time ago, except that Robbie really stinks at Jedi art. He kept telling us he could do it, but the Force is so not with him it's not even funny. The only Jedi mind trick I've ever seen him do was when he convinced Lydia to marry him . . . which was a really good trick by the way.

Anyway, Bobcat isn't just the name Robbie wants us to call him now, it's also a fixture on our lawn. Oh what fun it is to ride on a machine that can rip out a tree without even blinking. Not that machines blink, it's just really late.

So, the last picture is of our niece, Cordelia, lifting the house on her own. She doesn't seem that strong, but she just propped the entire house on her left shoulder and started chugging along. For all I know, she could have brought the whole thing back to NY with her.

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Some people talk about raising their hands in the air and waving them like they just don't care, but this is the real deal. There is shaking your booty, and then there is shaking your boo-tay.
Addison is getting the latter done, as you can plainly see, literally dancing in the street.

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The 4th of July was all good, but this was a great shot taken by me, Adam, believe it or not.

Okay, if you don't believe it, Heather took the picture. But you can't blame me for trying to take credit for capturing the moment. The Norwegian-Super-Model-looking one is our niece Mackenzie, three days after turning 11. Addison kind of looks like a baby elf here, compared to Mackenzie (and to the adult Cubs hat).

I, as usual, look like a normal-size dork. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Jim and Judy gettin' it done at the Walk for Life event at Willowcreek. They're so hot right now.

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